How to use

*Since there is a lot of content overlaping in this template, there a few things you need to know to edit or create new pages.

1. All the sections combined in "Page sections" need to be at least 100vh to show correctly.
2. The sections needs to be set to relative with a Z-index of 11.
3. If you want to space out any sections, it is important to do it with padding and not margin.

Other instructions...

1. To edit our template, please go to variables and change the Colors/Font/Text size/Radius. It will change across the entire website.
2. If you add/remove pages that are not CMS, make sure that you modify the Footer navigation and both Navbar navigation.
3. Once you purchase the template, remove all template resources and CMS items.
4. Create your proper CMS items that fit your business since the active one are only there for example.
5. You can move/copy every section on the website as you like except the home featured "Project_H" fixed section.